COS is proud to announce the next conference of Prof. Dr. Richard Haser, from the Institute of Biology and Chemistry of Protein called «Protein systems of biotechnological or/and medical interest: contribution of structural biology/drug design for helping to treat various diseases (diabetes, cancer, malaria…)”. This event will be held on Wedenesday 14th November at 12h pm at the Sala Polivalent of Technology Centre of Nutrition (same COS address).
Professor Hasser is an Emeritus Director of Research (DR1) at CNRS (France) and his scientific career has focused on the research related to structural biology in infectious diseases, cancer and glycobiology. From 2010, his research group uses structural biology methods and techniques (mainly X-ray crystallography and bioinformatics) in conjunction with biochemical and molecular biology approaches, to understand the relationships between structure, function and activity of proteins falling into the above mentioned categories.