Course or session information


if ($id_curs == 1) {
$mes_act = «02»;
$any_act = «2013»;
$mes_act_pdf = «05»;
} else {
$mes_act = date(«m»);
$any_act = date(«Y»);

echo «

echo «\n\n»;

echo «\n «.$explicacio_curs.»\n»;
echo «\n Date: «.$data_curs.»\n»;

echo «\n\nSee the programme«;

//Maxim places cobertes
if ($id_curs == 1) {
echo «\n

Registration closed.
We have reached the maximum capacity of our conference room.


} else {
//Si el curs esta tancat, mostrem l’avís
if ($data_curs_mal < date("Y-m-d")) { //curs tancat if ($id_curs == 1) { // Inscripcions tancades, avís per la propera edició. Curs de metabolomica. echo "\n

Registration closed.
We will repeat this course before summer.
The next course will be announced and registration will be opened soon.

If you want us to notify you with the new date, please click here


} else { // Inscripcions tancades i punt, sense repetició.
echo «\n

Registration closed.
We have reached the maximum capacity of our conference room.


} else { //Curs obert
echo «\n\nRegistration«;
echo «\n\n»;
echo «\n\nBack to the list of courses and sessions«;
