The Centre for Omic Sciences (COS) and the CNAG join forces through the integrated Infrastructure for OMIC Technologies (IOT) and become part of the National Scientific and Technological Infrastructure Map (ICTS).
The National Scientific and Technological Infrastructure Map (ICTS) is composed by facilities of different scientific areas ranging from the life sciences to astrophysics distributed throughout the Spanish territory and areas and devoted to cutting-edge and the highest quality research and technological development.
The update of the map includes 29 ICTS involving 59 infrastructures from eight areas of research, and has been prepared within the Spanish Strategy for Science, Technology and Innovation 2013-2020.
Specifically, COS (based at the Campus of the Rovira i Virigili University in Reus, Tarragona) and CNAG have been included in the ICTS map in the area of life sciences and biotechnology as the Infrastructure for OMIC Technologies. The integration of both organizations allows, from a scientific and strategic point of view, enhancing synergies and creating a globally competitive singular facility with a spectrum of biomolecular analysis tools for holistic capture of biological processes.
The potential of this new Omic infrastructure is enormous as it will have the ability to measure all elements of a biological system, such as DNA, mRNA, epigenomic marks, proteins, metabolites, and structural elements such as membranes. The broad scope of IOT and the facilities it has available are not easily found within a single institution.