Genomics involves the study of genes and their function. Genomics aims to understand the structure of the genome, including gene mapping, DNA sequencing, and exploring the molecular mechanisms and the interplay of genetic and environmental factors in organisms.
Transcriptomics is the study of transcriptomes, the complete set of RNA transcripts produced by the genome at any one time. It is specifically focused on how transcript patterns are affected by development, disease, or environmental factors such as hormones, drugs, etc.
Our service integrates different technologies:
- SEQUENCING: Capillary electrophoresis 3500 Genetic Analyzer for Sanger sequencing and Ion Torrent PGM for next-generation sequencing applications.
- MICROARRAYS: Agilent microarrays for RNA and miRNA measurements.
- qPCR: ABI 7900HT real-time PCR instrument.
Our Genomics & Transcriptomics facilities offer service from single gen to genome-wide analysis for standard and next generation sequencing, genotyping, quantitative PCR, and full Agilent microarrays processing.
DNA Sequencing & Fragment Analysis (Sanger DNA Sequencing)
Next-Generation Sequencing (Ion Torrent PGM)
Microarray Analysis
Automated real-time PCR analysis
DNA/RNA Quality control
Liquid handling
Data analysis services
Sequencing and Next-Generation Sequencing
Copy number variation (CNV)
Methylation Analysis
Gene Expression
miRNA Analysis
ChIP-on-chip (Chromatin ImmunoPrecipitation)
Metagenomics: Bacteria and Fungus Identification
- 3500 DNA Genetic Analyzer
- Ion Torrent PGM
- ABI PRISM 7900HT Fast Sequence Detection System
- 2720 thermocycler
- 9800 Fast thermocycler
- Verity 96-well thermocycler
- Hybridization Oven
- Agilent Scanner
- Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer
- NanoDrop ND-2000 spectrophotometer
- Bravo liquid handling robot
- Alpha Innotech ChemiImager
- Agilent GeneSpring GX
- GeneMapper
- ABI Primer Express
- SDS v4.0
ABI PRISM 7900 HT System
- Primer Express (ABI)
- SDS 2.4 (ABI)
- DataAssist (ABI)
Ion Torrent PGM
- Torrent Suite (LifeTechnologies)
- TMAP (LifeTechnologies)
3500 DNA Genetic Analyzer
- Sequencing Analysis (ABI)
- SeqScape (ABI)
- Variant Reporter (ABI)
- GeneMapper (ABI)
Agilent DNA Microarray Scanner
- Sequence Scanner Software (Agilent)
- Feature Extraction 10x (Agilent)
- Genomic Work Bench (Agilent)
Imaging Systems
- Quantity One (Biorad)
- ImageLab (Biorad)
- ImageQuant TL (GE)
General Softwares
- BioNumerics (Applied-maths)
- Gene Spring GX (Agilent)
ABI PRISM 7900 HT System
· Primer Express (ABI)
· SDS 2.4 (ABI)
· DataAssist (ABI)
Ion Torrent PGM
· Torrent Suite (LifeTechnologies)
· TMAP (LifeTechnologies)
3500 DNA Genetic Analyzer
· Sequencing Analysis (ABI)
· SeqScape (ABI)
· Variant Reporter (ABI)
· GeneMapper (ABI)
Agilent DNA Microarray Scanner
· Sequence Scanner Software (Agilent)
· Feature Extraction 10x (Agilent)
· Genomic Work Bench (Agilent)
Imaging Systems
· Quantity One (Biorad)
· ImageLab (Biorad)
· ImageQuant TL (GE)
General Softwares
· BioNumerics (Applied-maths)
· Gene Spring GX (Agilent)