Proteomic and Metabolomic talks

COS invites you to the first of a cycle of seminars focused in the applications and uses of the infrastructure.

Thrusday March 13th at 10.30h

Speaker: Sigma
Organization:  Sigma Aldrich
Title: Proteomic and Metabolomic talks

  1. ‘Micro sampling techniques-an overview’
  2. ‘LC/MS bioanalysis of steroid hormones: investigation of the impact of matrix effects’
  3. ‘Proteomics standards, development and use of quality standards in proteomics workflows’
  4. ‘Mobile phase considerations for improved, LCMS amenable peptide separations’

All the seminars will take place in the Sala Polivalent, Centre de R+D+i en Nutrició i Salut, Av. Universitat, 1, Reus. All the attendees are invited to visit our facilities after the seminar.